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Nutrition Tools

BMI calculator | Waist To Hip Ratio calculator | Daily Energy Needs calculator | Exercise Calorie calculator | Calories Burned calculator | Alcohol Calorie calculator.

Nutrition tools are interactive diet and health calculators that help you analyze your current health status. They are a starting point for you to understand how your health can dramatically improve by simply making small yet incremental changes to your lifestyle habits.

  • Nutrition Tools That Help Assess Your Health - BMI & WHR, Target heart rate & Ideal body weight calculator.
  • Nutrition Tools That Address Your Daily Habits - Alcohol calorie calculator, exercise calculator & lifestyle risk calculator.

Body mass index BMI Calculator / Waist To Hip Ratio (WHR) Calculator

Body mass index (BMI)

Body mass index (BMI) calculator is a measure of body fat based on your height and weight. It applies to both adult men and women.

Waist To Hip Ratio (WHR)

Waist To Hip Ratio (WHR) calculator is a nutrition tool that helps you calculate whether your current fat distribution is unhealthy.

Our waist size is now considered to be a significant indicator of future chronic lifestyle disorders such as heart disease and diabetes.

Daily Calorie Calculator

Daily Energy needs

This "Daily Energy needs" calculator uses the Harris-Benedict Formula to determine your average daily energy requirements so that you can better control your energy intake.

Daily energy needs calculator is the first step in understanding how many calories your body needs to maintain its current weight, and should you need to lose some weight, where should you begin.

Alcohol Calorie Calculator

Alcohol calorie calculator

Alcohol calorie calculator calculates how many calories you are consuming from alcohol, whether it is simply a glass of red wine or a light beer.
This tool helps you calculate how much weight you are putting on in one year from your alcoholic beverage consumption.

Then make a conscious effort to reduce your alcohol intake and lose weight.

Calories Burned Calculator / Exercise Calorie Calculator

Calories burned / exercise calculator

Calories burned / exercise calculator is a nutrition tool that calculates the number of calories you burn when doing various exercises.

This tools clearly shows you the benefits accrued from just 30-40 minutes of daily exercise a few times a week.

Target heart rate calculator

Target heart rate calculator

Target heart rate calculator is a nutrition tool that provides you the range at which your sustained physical activity, e.g. jogging, cycling, walking briskly, swimming laps, or any other aerobic exercise, is considered safe and effective for your heart.

It gives you a range of what your maximum heart rate should be. The healthier and fitter your body, the better and higher the percentage.

Lifestyle Risk Calculator

Lifestyle risk calculator

Lifestyle risk calculator is a useful tool that takes into account your personal and family history for various chronic diseases - such as obesity, heart disease, diabetes, hypertension & cholesterol.

It then also considers your lifestyle habits of smoking, alcohol intake and activity factor before providing you with a ten year risk scenario for developing one of these conditions.

Diet Guidance Systems

Diet Guidance Systems

The NutritionVista Menu plans have been carefully formulated by a team of well trained dietitians and physicians to provide you balanced nutrition with appropriate serving sizes.

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CLINICAL Nutrition Packages

At Risk Prevention Program Health Risk Assessment & Prevention Program
One Month
Obesity | Cholesterol | Diabetes | CVD
Cholesterol Reduction Program Cholesterol Reduction Program
Three Month
Weight Loss | Cholesterol | Pre-diabetes | CVD
Glucose Stabilization | Obesity Reduction Program Glucose Stabilization | Obesity Reduction Program
Six Month
Pre-diabetes stabilization | Cholesterol reduction | Weight Loss | Cancer management
Intensive - Disease Management Program Intensive - Disease Management Program
One Year
Diabetes | Obesity | Cholesterol | CVD | Cancer Management
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I stumbled upon this site when I was trying hard to shed my post pregnancy weight. I put into practice an exercise routine which I followed dedicatedly but I rea lize the results weren’t as promising. I knew I needed to monitor my food intake but die...[Read More]

Ms. Saroj Umesh Suvarna


Health Solutions | In Depth Coverage provides web-based nutrition tools and services that enable consumers to take charge of their own health. Our clinical nutrition programs provide online nutrition counseling services for weight-control; nutrition therapy for managing diabetes and cancer and customized menu plans to lower cholesterol. Our online nutritionists provide health risk assessments, diet evaluations, guidance and support to address the consumers underlying health conditions and personal likes and dislikes.

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