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I feel fortunate to have wandered on to NutritionVista portal few weeks back. I now consider it my bible of healthy living and I have been recommending it to many of my friends who are also considering getting back in to shape. I have been really kee...[Read More]

Mr. Jagdish Nair


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NutritionVista Super foods are nutrient rich and healthy. Good for weight control, diabetes, heart disease and cancer.

Super Foods

(1 med. sized) Calories 25
Very good source of dietary fiber, vit A, C, K and potassium. Good source of B vitamins, folate & manganese. Good for overall health.

Prunes Are a Heathy Addition To A Pregnancy Diet
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Health Solutions | In Depth Coverage provides web-based nutrition tools and services that enable consumers to take charge of their own health. Our clinical nutrition programs provide online nutrition counseling services for weight-control; nutrition therapy for managing diabetes and cancer and customized menu plans to lower cholesterol. Our online nutritionists provide health risk assessments, diet evaluations, guidance and support to address the consumers underlying health conditions and personal likes and dislikes.

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