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Focus: Gastritis & Peptic Ulcer Disease

How many of us have been woken up in the middle of the night with a sharp pain in the chest cavity accompanied by a feeling of nausea? Honestly, it's a scary feeling because most often it's assumed that it's a heart attack.

A short while later, or after an emergency visit to the doctor, and probably even an ECG, one realises that it is nothing but an attack of gastritis probably triggered by a heavy meal, stress, excessive alcohol or even too much smoking. In short, a lifestyle disease. More often than not a simple antacid does the trick of relieving symptoms, but if the attacks continue then one has to tackle the problem seriously before it turns into an ulcer.
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Focus: Gastritis & Peptic Ulcer Disease
Recipe Of The Week
Healthy Oatmeal Pancakes
Recipe Of The Week - Healthy Oatmeal Pancakes
No. of calories per serv: 196
No. of servings in this recipe: 4

This recipe has:
 • High Calcium
 • High Fiber
 • Low Salt

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Nutrient Of The Week
Water / Fluids
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Portion Control
The purpose of portion control is to make sure portions are within the meal plan.
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Global Dietetics Forum
Global Dietetics ForumA global platform for participating dietitians to carry on a dialogue, raise critical questions and debate on issues affecting their performance, ethical conduct and patient health outcomes.
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