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Focus: Your GUT & Nutrition

When your stomach is cramping, you're feeling bloated, perhaps even belching or having bouts of diarrhea and the only haven is your bathroom - that's the time to sit back on the royal commode and think about how you got yourself into this gastro-intestinal predicament in the first place.

Every year millions of people visit their physicians with common gastric or intestinal complaints and spend a substantial amount on over the counter drugs to treat them.

It's time to address some gut disorders that can easily be prevented with minor adjustments to our diet and lifestyle.

Beginning with... Eating healthier, leading a moderately active lifestyle, lowering stress, quitting smoking, reducing alcohol intake, drinking adequate water, etc.
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Your GUT & Nutrition
Recipe Of The Week
Banana papaya refreshing smoothie
Recipe Of The Week - Bulgur - Banana papaya refreshing smoothie
No. of calories per serv: 108
No. of servings in this recipe: 8

This recipe has:
 • Low Salt
 • Low Fat
 • High Fiber
 • High Calcium

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Nutrient Of The Week - Fiber
Fiber and Fiber Rich Foods Also called: Bulk, Roughage...
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That Cause Acidity
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