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Brain function basics - diet, exercise, sleep
Recipe Of The Week (Membership required)
Fruit & Nut Delight
Recipe Of The Week - Fruit & Nut Delight
No. of calories per serv: 253
No. of servings in this recipe: 6

This basic recipe has:
 • Low Carbohydrate
 • Low Cholesterol

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Nutrient Of The Week
Vitamin B 12
Nutrient Of The Week - Vitamin B 12
Top 10 Foods At A Glance...
Foods for good brain function during examinations
Foods for good brain function during examinations
Nutrition Tools For An Optimal Lifestyle
3 Steps to Weight Loss
& Better Health.
1. Evaluate current health status
2. Maintain food and exercise diary
3. Appraise your health risks
Articles This Week
High Fat Diet Affects Energy Levels & Physical Performance
Consuming a high fat calorie diet, can make you, your muscles and brain … SLOW!
Breakfast - The Intelligent Meal
The benefits of a healthy breakfast include...
Kids Health - Role of Nutrition and Exercise in Children's Health, Growth, Development
Kids who eat more fruits and vegetable, consume enough dairy and protein and are active 40-60 minutes daily are less likely to
Eat smart to stay smart
It’s exam season, a time of mental and physical anguish for teens.
What's The Deal With Sodas Calories - Unhealthy?
Unhealthy sodas damage teeth, provide empty soda calories
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