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Getting a Grip On Irritable Bowel Syndrome!
IRRITABLE BOWEL SYNDROME - IBS is the most common gut condition that causes discomfort and distress, so much so that people with Irritable Bowel Syndrome may be too stressed to function normally and be unable to work, go out socially or may even have problems while traveling. Irritable bowel syndrome is not a disease but a group of symptoms and is considered a functional disorder, meaning that the bowel does not work or function properly. Most people with irritable bowel syndrome find that symptoms improve as they learn to control their condition with diet and lifestyle changes that include stress management, getting adequate sleep and moderate exercise.
Let us help you address your symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome with a modified diet that will help prevent aggravating your condition, while at the same time giving you the flexibility to improve your lifestyle to lead as normal a life as possible.
Contact one of our Nutritionvista dietitians today to get started on alleviating your symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
Recipe Of The Week (Membership required)
Banana Pudding- chillingly healthy
No. of calories per serv: 105
No. of servings in this recipe: 4

This basic recipe has:
 • Low Sugar
 • Low Fat
 • Low Salt
 • Low Cholesterol

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Nutrient Of The Week
Omega 3 & Omega 6 Fatty Acids
Top 10 Foods At A Glance...
Foods that uplift a down mood
Top 10 Foods At A Glance...
Irritable Bowel Syndrome - Foods that may aggravate symptoms further
3 Steps to Weight Loss
& Better Health.
1. Evaluate current health status
2. Maintain food and exercise diary
3. Appraise your health risks
Articles This Week
Can a Very Low-Carbohydrate Diet And a Low-Fat Diet Affect Mood and Cognitive Function?
Obese individuals tend to have better mood and an improved psychological state when they lose weight.
Foods That Can Uplift A Down Mood!
When most people are depressed they may turn to overeating, starving or binge drinking. Don’t give in to these. Emotional eating as this is often called makes you hide behind these feelings/problems that should actually be tackled.
Driving Away The Depression Lows!
Lately, her friends had noticed a clear shift in her demeanor and way of dressing; they had both taken on an uncomfortable tone.
Ten Ways To Enjoy Fruits Your Way
Be creative and bold by trying out new fruit combinations. Your body will thank you for it!
Alcohol calorie calculator
Alcohol calorie calculatorThis calculates how many calories you are consuming from alcohol, whether it is simply a glass of red wine or a light beer.
This tool helps you calculate how much weight you are putting on in one year from your alcoholic beverage consumption.

Then make a conscious effort to reduce your alcohol intake and lose weight.
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