Healthy Chatter
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Dear Readers,
Despite better technologies and health care access that have improved cancer survival rates, the numbers of newly diagnosed cancer cases continue to increase worldwide. Although several studies over the last few years have questioned the role of diet in cancer prevention, several reputable organizations such as the American Institute of Cancer Research (AICR) and the World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) have recently come out with a public policy statement that roughly one-third of all cancers could be prevented through diet, physical activity and weight management.

Over the past two years, in the many topics that we’ve covered in our Healthy Chatter Newsletters, we’ve talked about the relationship between lycopene (tomatoes) and prostate cancer prevention and between colon cancer and sedentary lifestyles. We will continue to advocate through our many channels the value of maintaining a healthy weight, getting enough physical activity, not smoking and limiting the intake of alcohol. We encourage our NutritionVista consumers to remain updated on the latest information on nutrition and cancer-both from a preventive and management perspective...

I thank you once again for the opportunity.

Sunil S. Jhangiani, MD, MBA, FACP, AGAF
Founder, Medical Director,


The Endoscopy Place, P.C.
Digestive Diseases, Endoscopy & Physician Nutrition Specialist
2425 Eastchester Road, Bronx, NY 10469
718 231 5100, 347-449-6260, Fax: 718-515-8885
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